Join My Team
Do you enjoy living a healthy, active lifestyle?
Or, maybe you aren’t there yet but you dream of a life full of energy and vitality and being part of a fitness community.
Or maybe you are a fitness professional seeking career support, business growth and camaraderie?
Whether you are a weekend warrior, fitness professional or fitness newbie, our team can support you in your goals and give you the opportunity to pay it forward to others!
When you join our team, you’ll embrace healthy living, receive support and accountability for your own fitness and inspire others to get healthy alongside you.
You will not only experience all of these benefits but you’ll also have the opportunity to earn extra income by sharing what you’re doing to be healthy and inviting others to join you.
You don’t have to be a fitness expert to be a great coach, but if you do work in health and fitness, then I can teach you how I stopped trading dollars for hours! By adding a nutrition component to your services you will be able to provide more value to your clients as well as earn more money.
I’m just like you, nothing special! I got started as an Independent Beachbody Coach in 2011 because I was stressed out, unhappy and living paycheck to paycheck. At work, I wasn’t surrounded by motivating people that challenged me to grow and learn on a daily basis. I was living a mediocre life until this opportunity was presented to me.
Like most people, I was skeptical, unsure and stubborn! I wasn’t a shake person, nor did I believe that online fitness was for me….but then I decided to let down my walls. I wanted to learn more about what exactly Beachbody Coaching was, and how it could benefit me.